Enjoy the results usually achieved by surgery but without the pain, discomfort, worry and expense...

We've all heard of the gastric band and, when it comes to weight loss, recognise it as one of the most drastic measures anyone can take.

It involves complex surgery in which a band is fitted around the stomach to make it smaller – so reducing the amount of food the stomach can cope with. It's a painful, invasive and expensive process that is usually carried out on people classed as 'obese'.

You may not be considering a gastric band, but if you've tried every avenue of weight loss – the diets, the slimming clubs, the potions and the pills – and none has worked for you, then we may have the answer...

What does the treatment involve?
The HYPNOSIS BAND treatment involves three 30 minutes sessions or one session fast tracked for up to 90 mins, the sessions covers your dietary assessment and relevant medical history, introduction to hypnosis and virtual fitting of the hypnosis band.

Is the treatment guaranteed?

As with any other medical or weight loss treatments there is no 100 per cent guarantee. However, Hypnosis Band has a very high success rate with long-term results. The main key to successful treatment is YOU. If you are totally committed to losing weight then Hypnosis Band should work for you.

Is it safe?
Hypnosis Band is completely safe. It does not involve any surgery or pain. It is a relaxing pleasurable, treatment that does not hurt in any way, with no side effects.

Is Hypnosis Band suitable for me?
If you are overweight and committed to losing weight then your are a suitable candidate for Hypnosis-Band. The only exceptions being if you are on medication or your weight is a physiological issue.

How much does it cost?

The current offer price for Hypnosis Band treatment is £99 normally £199.